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Apply Leave

To submit an electronic Leave Application Form:

  1. At Home page, click APPLY LEAVE button from the top Toolbar to bring up the Leave Application Form. Employee Name, Employee ID, Department and Job Title are filled-in automatically by system.
  2. Select a Leave Type.
  3. Enter the dates you want to apply leave in the Date From and Date To fields.
  4. Enter a reason to take leave in the Reason field.
  5. By default, leave approvers are automatically filled-in and you are not allowed to change leave approvers. 
  6. Click on the NEXT button once you have filled in all the required information. System will display a Leave Confirmation screen.
  7. Check to ensure all information displayed is correct. 
  8. Click on SUBMIT button if all information is correct, or else, click on Back button to correct any incorrect data. The leave application form will be routed to your leave approvers once it has been submitted. System will auto-generate an email notification to the approving officers.

Once your leave application has been submitted, it will be recorded at My Leave Record screen and Leave Balance will be deducted automatically. The leave applied will be shown in your leave calendar in Orange colour. When the leave application has been approved, you will get notified via email and the leave application will appear Green in the leave calendar.

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