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My Leave Record

My Leave Record screen is an one-eye-see-all screen that allows you to view your leave entitlement, leave brought forward, leave balance, total leave taken, leave application record and leave adjusted by HR. This screen can be accessed by clicking MY LEAVE RECORD button from the Toolbar at Home page.

By default, system will show current Session Year leave records. You can view records in other Session Year by changing the Year option.

Leave Applied Panel

This panel shows your leave application records in details within the selected Session Year. The top right corner of the panel summarized total leave days taken for each type of leave.

The leave applied summary information also available in MY LEAVE APPLIED panel at the Home page.

Leave Adjusted Panel

HR personnel may do leave adjustment to add or reduce leave balance for any employee as and when necessary. The details of leave adjustment is shown in this Leave Adjusted Panel.

Leave Balance Panel

This panel shows the summary of:

  1. Annual leave entitlement.
  2. Leave brought forward from previous Session Year.
  3. Total leave adjusted by HR.
  4. Total leave day earned to-date.
  5. Total leave taken in current Session Year.
  6. Total leave applied for future Session Year.
  7. Current leave balance.

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