E-Leave Feature


Millionsoft e-Leave Management System, also known as Millionsoft e-Leave, is a Web-based Employee Self-Service system that simplifies and automate the whole process of leave management. It empowers your employees to self-manage leave applications and leave approval anytime, anywhere around the World.

With Millionsoft e-Leave, you can not only save administrative time and cost by eliminating messy paper-based forms but also improve employees' satisfaction, productivity and performance.



Beautiful and Easy to use Dashboard-Styled User Interface

Millionsoft e-Leave is easy to use for both administrators and normal users. Users shall be able to use the system even without training. Hence, you do not need to arrange your staffs for training before they can use this system. There is no disruption on your organization operation when this system is implemented.




eleave calendar

Calendar View on Leave Applied, Leave Approved and Public Holidays.

Leave applied, leave approved and public holidays are tabulated on calendar with different colour coding.

User Configurable Logo, Organization Name and Slogan at Page Header.



Administrator user can configure Page Header to display your organization logo, organization name and slogan to create better corporate image to your employees.

It is not Millionsoft e-Leave Management System but Your Organzation e-Leave Management System. No programming experience required.

eleave - automatic leave entitlement calculationeleave - automatic leave entitlement calculation

Automatic Leave Entitlement Calculation

Automatic leave entitlement calculation for all employees based on leave group assigned and years of service with your organization.

email notification from eleave

Leave Status Notification via Email.

Both applicant and approver are kept updated on the leave status via email. Email notification will be sent to approver when applicants apply leave or cancel leave. Email notification will be sent to applicant when approver approves or rejects leave.  
Business Unit

Unlimited number of Business Units / Companies / Branches / Locations

Can create unlimited number of companies under your organization group. Leave Management for whole group is centralized in one system.
eleave - department

Unlimited number of Departments.

Administrator can create unliminted number of departments in the system. No matter how many departments you have in your organization, Millionsoft e-Leave can cater for it.
eleave - unlimited section creation

Unlimited number of Sections.

If you have big departments that divided into several sections, Millionsoft e-Leave allow you to create unlimited number of Sections to cater for that. With the combination of Business Unit Department Sections, Millionsoft e-Leave is able to cater for almost any kind of organization structure.


Unlimited number of Public Holiday Groups for Different States and Countries.

Administrator can defines different public holidays for different groups of employees. For example, employees based at different states or countries may need different public holidays setup.

malaysia holiday singapore holiday thailand holiday korea holiday

Flexible Leave Approval Setup

You can assign leave approver(s) to a department, to a section or to individual employee.

You can even let applicants choose their own approvers when they apply for leave, which may save you from the job of leave approval setup. This is similar to the the paper-based environment where applicant will bring leave application form to his/her supervisor for approval.

Unlimited number of Leave Types creation.

Milliosoft e-Leave is preinstalled with 10 default leave types - Annual, Medical, Hospitalization, Maternity, Paternity, Compassionate, Marriage, Examination, Unpaid and Replacement. Administrator can change the wording of the leave types or add more leave types to suit your organization needs.

Unlimited number of Leave Scheme creation.

Millionsoft e-Leave Leave Scheme is used to define leave entitlement for various leave types based on number of years employees have joined your organization. If your organization practicing different leave entitlements for different group of employees, for example, different leave entitlements for Manager, Executive and Non-Executive, Millionsoft e-Leave allows you to define unlimited number of leave schemes to cater for your organization needs.



working day group

Unlimited number of Working Days Groups

Millionsoft e-Leave allow you to define different working days for different group of employees. For example, some employee may work 5 days a week while other employees may work 6 days a week.

The above mentioned features just scratch the surface. Why not request for a full trial version to experience it first hand?

Try E-leave Now

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