Once an applicant has submitted a leave application, the leave application form will be routed to both primary and secondary leave approvers. Both primary approver and secondary approver will get notified via email of the leave pending for their approval. Both primary approver and secondary approver can approve or reject the leave application but priority shall be given to the primary approver. Secondary approver shall approve the leave application only when the primary approver is not able to do so.
Leave Pending for Approval screen can be accessed from User Menu --> Leave Approval --> Approve Leave.
Alternatively, you can access this screen from MY PENDING panel at your Home screen. Whenever there is a leave pending for your approval, system will highlight it in MY PENDING panel at your Home page. This screen will display all leaves pending for your approval.
At the Leave Pending for Approval screen, click on APPROVE button next to the leave application that you want to approve. Click on OK when prompted with confirmation message box. This is the fast and easy way to approve leave application but you cannot add comment or remark to the leave application.
If you would like to view more details about the leave application or add some remarks to the leave application form, you can click on the Leave No. hyperlink at the Leave Pending for Approval screen to bring up the leave application form.
Alternatively, you can access the leave application form by clicking the Leave No. hyperlink from the email notification sent to you.
You can now examine all leave details in the leave application form and optionally enter an approval remark at the Remark field. Click APPROVE button to approve the leave or REJECT button to reject the leave application. You must fill in the Remark field if you want to reject the leave application.